
Cartograbird is an open world exploration game in which the player is tasked to find the scattered parts of a crash landed explorer. The game has flight mechanics for the main character Carmen the Cartographer to soar around the world in search of these parts. The player can look at their map to orient themselves and document their exploration. Cartograbird was developed using Unreal Engine 4.24.3 using both Blueprints and C++.

I worked on a team of six students (four programmers and two artists) to create Cartograbird for the course Technical Game Development II. As part of the tech team, my focus was implementing the game's movement mechanics (walking and flight) and programming in the game's story progression. I used a mix of C++ and Blueprints in Unreal Engine 4 to achieve this; I mainly used C++ for movement, and Blueprints for story scripting to utilize Blueprints' UI widget framework.

I detail my work further in my development postmortem below:

My Development Postmortem
